
The people who make up Isaiah Industries are essential to the company’s ability to innovate, be be flexible, and be responsive to customer needs. Here are short profiles on some of the great, hard-working, and committed individuals who make Isaiah Industries stand apart from the competition.

Todd Miller Todd Miller
Brian Wagner Brian Wagner
Diane Hammer Diane Hammer
Ethan Young Ethan Young
Eric Voress Eric Voress
Jeff Pepiot Jeff Pepiot
Julie Smith Julie Smith
Kathy Trostel Kathy Trostel
Keith Swiss Keith Swiss
Kelly Joseph Kelly Joseph
Kent Blackford Kent Blackford
Mark Thompson Mark Thompson
Marlen Bourne Marlen Bourne
Randy Sparklin Randy Sparklin
Richard Moore Richard Moore
Ronda Morgan Ronda Morgan
Chris Mescher Chris Mescher
Seth Heckaman Seth Heckaman
Ryan Bell Ryan Bell
Sheila Liette Sheila Liette
Tim Price Tim Price
Tina Rose Tina Rose
Tom Ward Tom Ward
Zeke Fugate Zeke
Scott Clifton Scott Clifton
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