Insights into Mass Timber with Arnie Didier

November 8, 2023

“[With mass timber,] you get a beautiful building as the end result that people want to work in. People want to be in it, and they want to tell that story. The other side of that is the speed of delivery of the product. You know, when you’re essentially creating offsite materials and bringing it to the job site, your speed of delivery is very quick.”

— Arnie Didier, COO of Forest Business Network

Mass timber is a new term for an old but still developing field. While glulam beams are nothing new, CLT or cross-laminated timber is paving the way for widespread adoption across the globe. Featured in buildings from single-story homes to 25-story high rises, mass timber is quickly becoming popular and prevalent.

Our guest, Arnie Didier, has decades of experience in the industry and shares his take on the current state of mass timber in construction and housing and what the future holds for this trending technology. Join us as we hear from Arnie and learn from his experience in forestry, business, and management.

Topics discussed in this interview:

– Introducing Arnie Didier

– Arnie’s path to working in mass timber

– Resources for learning more about mass timber

– Why is mass timber effective?

– Where will the industry go next?

– Market adoption and growing industry familiarity

– The International Mass Timber Conference

– A diverse and growing industry for all

– Construction and building in Montana

– Mass timber’s potential role in new developments

– Rapid fire questions

Visit to get plugged into the mass timber industry, and sign up for their newsletter, too. You can send Arnie an email at

Also mentioned: International Mass Timber ConferenceOnX Maps

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