A message of Joy for the season
A word often associated with Christmastime is Joy. And indeed, when we look around us, we see many things to be joyful for.
Time with loved ones.
Gifts and the pleasure of giving.
Watching excited children.
Sharing wonderful food.
Colorful decorations and uplifting music.
Snow, winter weather (if that happens to be your thing), and warmth.
But it’s disheartening when we note that all of these types of Joy are fleeting and short-lived. Parties with friends and family come to an end. Gifts are all unwrapped. Decorations are stored away, and Christmas music goes silent for months. There is only one Joy at Christmas that lasts all year long, and that is the Joy of the celebration of the greatest birthday ever – the birth of the world’s Savior.
When Jesus was born, the people were long-awaiting a Savior, someone to change the world. Those were dark and difficult times, especially for the Jewish people, into whose lineage Jesus was born. Romans were harsh rulers over them, torturing and terrorizing their people even into the thousands by some accounts. It is also estimated that 25% of all babies born at the time were abandoned, often succumbing to the elements or wild animals, because their mothers could not care for them.
Yet the book of Luke speaks of the Joy that came in the form of the baby in the manger. Jesus was the long-awaited hope, and things would never again be the same.
Today we also find ourselves in dark and troubled times. People continue to suffer, searching for homes, searching for food, searching for peace, searching for reconciliation … and searching for a Savior. The world is divided into many factions, and threats often abound. Yet, because of that first Christmas, Joy still belongs to those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior, knowing that despite the ugly and difficult travails of this world, God is with us, and life eternal will someday welcome us.
One of my favorite Christmas songs is Joy to the World. It occurred to me recently that, while this great song is indeed a proclamation – “Joy to the world, the Lord is come,” it is also an admonition – “Let men their songs employ – repeat the sounding joy!”. The lasting Joy of Jesus is for the world, not for a select few. The redemption and love Jesus brings are available to all. So, for those who know the Joy of Jesus, it is our job to share it with the world – truly proclaiming and living out Joy to the World!
What a great opportunity and privilege we have to help the world see that we have a Savior — that He was born in a manger, He walked the earth, He lived amongst us, and ultimately He died for our sins. This knowledge changes everything… and takes us from the fleeting joys of this world to the lasting Joy of His world.
We at Isaiah Industries wish you a wondrous and blessed Christmas. May we remember back to the baby in the manger … and then proclaim to all that Jesus is Lord – Joy to the World!
Please feel free to share the Joy of this message with your loved ones who may also be blessed by it.
Joyfully Yours,
Todd Miller, President
Isaiah Industries, Inc.